🩸🔪hi my wonderful 🩸bloody🩸 pookies!! I hope you liked🫶🏻 my fits!!🎀 anyways I am a ✝️Christian✝️ also my favorite book is: The Lost hero Fav anime character: 🩸Himiko🩸🔪Toga🔪, Miho!! And I live in 🦅🇺🇸AMERICA🇺🇸🦅!! Favorite quote- “It’s not the stab of the Back that kills you it’s when you turn around to see who’s holding the knife that does.” Harley Quinn. Favorite song-🩷💚🖤FUKONA GIRL💚🩷🖤,and Sailor song, and die with a smile!LOOK AT THE ⭐️’s THE BIG BLACK INK TELL ME WHAT YOU FEEL TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK IS IT COLD OUTSIDE? IS IT COLD OUTSIDE? Comfort characters/youtubers: Bakugo, Izuku, Caseoh, Kaccankudo, Mabel pines, Grunkle Stan, Great uncle Ford, Bill cipher, Miho. Favorite anime show/still watching- My Happy Marriage, and My Hero Academia!! HAVE A 🩸BLOODY🩸DAY!!🫶🏻🫶🏻