Shut up cuz I bet you got an Android too what type like what type of phone you got I bet you lose your mama phone so thank you don't even start with me cuz I got a iPhone 12 so don't even do that come on now you probably got an Android like imagine having an Android imagine it could never be me it could never parents be having interest but my mama and my dad and my brother and my other brother and my grandma don't have one and my uncle and my cousin and my auntie they don't have no Android they have an iPhone 13 and 12 so come on now I bet your mama still got a broke up flip phone and yeah so don't even play with me little girl cuz I'm not the one at all Andrew looking self you probably look like a rat that talks and walks and eat I bet you can't shut your mouth for one second and I know that wasn't me cuz that was Julia so you can shut up that's what you need to do and I'm not playing with you I'm not one of your friends I'm probably older than you you dumb little girl you probably still in the first grade because I know that's not me do you need to go back to kindergarten do you need to learn some more I bet you feel a grade that's why I'm spotted I'm smarter than you and and I'm smarter than you and you probably fat as hell like imagine me a fat could be me you probably can't even stop eating for one second that's why your mom and dad and she can't stand looking at you that's why she died like come on now and I'm a roast you up in this piece of Ashley lives your lips probably ask your then your mama lips cuz I bet her lips as your head helmets from that crusty fell off she probably got bones in her grave do not put on little girl cuz I will roast you up in here that's why your whole family don't even love you at least my family love me that's why your daddy day your mom and dad your whole family said you buy all by yourself talking to get your phone bill okay but soon as my phone bill paid my Daddy pays my phone bro and I feel like all I got to do is call him and then my phone is pay honey and I bet your bills even when you paid cuz my bills are paid for my mama b**** but still the same thing so thank you by your life good night oh I'm sorry you don't have a life sorry not sorry because you think I'm somebody to play with when I'm not I'm not one of your little friends I'm really not cuz I was very up here if I saw you with in person I would have whooped your mind cuz I already fight somebody like two or three times so a lot of times I can't even keeping track because they got but they kind of whooped she think pulling my hair is doing something I put her hair and I hit her and that was point blank. And my mama oh my dad did nothing about it they care about me if I get her they're going to do something about it and if you touch me or if I ever see you it's on and my mom will whoop your behind so don't need to play with me cuz my mom will whoop you she fight little kids so I don't even I know why you still here like you should be in the grave with your parents I'm sorry they don't even want they name your old parents I didn't tell you you are adopted you are a doctor ugly b**** like you look you came out of the trash can your mama left you on side of the road he was adopted like come on now at least I'm not adopted at least my mama not with me my mama loves me so thank you thank you thank you by your life good night I'm sorry I'm sorry again I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry sorry but are you coming to meet with the shady you going to stop there right now oops sorry not sorry I meant to say that but you know cuz if I ever see you it's on site you dumb bum stupid behind that's why you're adopting your mom put your side of the road she don't even love you that's why she put you on the side of the road your mom yeah she passed away too but she didn't pass away she died she's dead and I'm so glad because at least mom are not dead so come on now cuz I know that I mean b**** first of all I'm not eight I'm f****** 12 so thank you get it right get it right now get it right cuz I'm not even playing with you anymore I'm not one of your friends I'm not on your level do not play with me so shut up you bum and your posters are ugly you need to stop it you bum adopted bum that's why your mama did
I know that's not me I was just supposed to hurt she is Julia from the back kids from funny Mike so get it right I know that's not me and I'm not even a I'm 12 so baby girl you can get in check thank you you probably ate like come on now