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combyne outfit
created 2 years ago
22 3
"Practicality and comfort are the deciding factors in fashion for ISTPs and ESTPs. These types want breathable, loose-fitting clothes that they can get comfortable and move around in" (psychologyjunkie). This outfit is loosely based off of my ISTP cousin.. she does crochet! (The stereotype of ISTPs being good with their hands/crafting proven true again haha.) All ISTPs I've met are always seen in loose, comfortable clothing so the description is quite accurate. This is my fourth submission to @kc_ree's MBTI challenge, I think I might just do all sixteen types ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€ #mbti #mbtiac #istp #comfortable #comfy #sweater #jeans #converse #crochet #headphones #phone #aesthetic #discoverme #backtoschoo...
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