Imvu baddie
created 1 years ago
1 2
Lucas: Don't or they get it
Kacey: How are you even here? we killed you
Alia: I knew it you sneaky bitch
Lucas: Well when you "killed me" you drop in Me in ally and luckily my baby tracked location and took I was still a little unconscious so when asked who did it I couldn't because like I said I was in shock but when I got home though we came up with this plan
Alia: first I had make believe that I didn't know then we planned knowing the beat down was just a little extra
Kacey: except I beat your ass
Alia: not the point then after you went out to eat I just had to find your bloody clothes and call the police but you had a good loyare and you were a good lier
Lucas: So we figured if we...


Imvu baddie
1 years ago
Lucas said Alia took me to the hospital, and when they asked me who did it I couldn't answer
Imvu baddie
1 years ago
Sry Alia , " Then we planned a funeral knowing you would come