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combyne outfit
created 4 years ago
121 7
Hello cuties!πŸ˜„πŸ‘‹
How are you?πŸ€”
I hope you are all doing well!πŸ’–

Today i wanted to talk about the hating/bullying that's going on, on Combyne.

Combyne has become so toxic! Which is really disappointing. I was thinking of leaving Combyne because there are so many toxic people and i have had enough of it! But i know that leaving wouldn't do any good. So i will be staying.

I know that you would be mad and disappointed if someone has copied one of your outfits. But that doesn't mean that you should curse and spam the comments. If someone has copied one of your outfits just tell them politely that this is a copied outfit from you and that they should delete it and tag ambassadors and modera...
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