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combyne outfit
created 3 years ago
786 104
💜Hello beautiful cookies💜
💜How are you all doing today?💜
💜Today I'm back with a new outfit💜
💜I hope you like it💜
💜I'm back with the same layout since most of you loved it so far 💜

💜so today I will talk about my dream job which is pediatric doctor 💜
I'm really inspired by doctors, I think they are wise and kind, I'm really impressed by each work they do especially in this pandemic 💜 and I was always encouraged by my father, and two doctors that knew me since my smallest age because of a head problem I had which caused me to do a chirugical operation at the age of 2 💜
And helping people, it was, is and will always be my priority to help people no matter who they are 💜
But I hav...
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