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combyne outfit
created 6 months ago
19 0
Helloooo everyone!! Its been quite some time since i came on here but to be honest iโ€™m not fine, had some traumatic things happen in my life BUT i dont want to make this about me. Iโ€™m sick of seeing the videos Palestinians have to post for the government to do.. Nothing?? What the actual f are we doing? I was already ashamed of the french government but after what they did im..i dont even have words. Inviting a fucklng terrorist on national tv is inacceptable and yet they do it without any repercussions. This is NOT normal. Please if you do not know what is happening in Palestine, Congo, Sudan, i beg you to educate yourself. Donate to families in need if you can, spread information around yo...

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combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift

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