Going all in for the earthy tons! Bringing in shades of burnt orange, and a slight hint of red and brown. Add a shade from the lovely #toofaced lipstick collection. Going for a cute updo and a simple makeup for errands, girl day, or just a cute date with babeπ. #nude #nudelook #nudecolor #earthtones #tarte #like #burntorange #updo #likeforlike #followme #simplebutcute #simple #simplelook
Going all in for the earthy tons! Bringing in shades of burnt orange, and a slight hint of red and brown. Add a shade from the lovely #toofaced lipstick collection. Going for a cute updo and a simple makeup for errands, girl day, or just a cute date with babeπ. #nude #nudelook #nudecolor #earthtones #tarte #like #burntorange #updo #likeforlike #followme #simplebutcute #simple #simplelook