Elissa Marie
created 1 years ago
27 3
#folklore #jersey #devil #evil #monster #mysterious #story #mythical #forest #woods #jerseyshore


Elissa Marie
1 years ago
@lessthanzero thank you! I love the story so much.
1 years ago
YESSS!!! I feel the Jersey Devil doesn't get as much attention as it should! Great post too!
Elissa Marie
1 years ago
The New Jersey Pinelands is home to miles of pine trees and sandy roads, but it is also home to New Jersey’s most infamous resident… The Jersey Devil. Designated in 1938 as the country’s only state demon, the Jersey Devil is described as a kangaroo-like creature with the face of a horse, the head of a dog, bat-like wings, horns and a tail. For more than 250 years this mysterious creature is said to prowl through the marshes of Southern New Jersey and emerge periodically to rampage through the towns and cities.The most widely held belief about the origin of the Jersey Devil is that Mrs. Leeds, a resident of Estellville, was distraught when she learned she was expecting for the thirteenth time. In disgust, she cried out, “Let it be the devil!” The story continues that the child arrived and it was a baby devil. The creature then gave a screech unfolded its wings and flew out the window and into the adjacent swamp. I am from South Jersey, I have known people to find the ruins of the Jersey Devil House located deep in the forest. It is now blocked off so the public can’t get back there but I would love to find it myself. While sitting in the woods on a dark, quiet night I have heard strange sounds, and have heard others say the same. Could it be The Jersey Devil watching? One could never really know.