Savanna Ray
created 3 years ago
1 3
Guys sorry About leaving for a while. Ik things have been hard for you guys and me too. My dad just had surgery and I'm still trying to process that but this is because I want you guys to know that I'm here to I love you guys so much and it means the world to me that you guys have been supporting me and I want to do the same to you guys too. I know from this weird comment I might gain or lose followers but just to let you guys know I'm here for every single one of you. I just hope everyone is ok and feeling good. Just share this comment to anyone you know. I want to tell you guys how much you mean to me.


Savanna Ray
3 years ago
And yes this is one reason why I wanted to stop at doing this app.
Savanna Ray
3 years ago
I've been wanting to end my life for almost a year now. And by that I do mean suicide but now...I don't want to and it's because you guys helped me change that. With all this positive energy you guys have been piling on top of me I noticed how happy life could be if everyone was a good person. And which you guys are for sure. But.....there are some really bad people on earth and it's not better to stay away from them they just need help to find what their looking for. But by this I don't mean go to a serial killer and try talking to then cause you might end up dying. I mean help the people who look sad, lonely, depressed, and angry like People like me And just try talking to them. I'm really happy now. But about 3 weeks ago I almost ended my life but something inside me told me.... 'It's not worth dying, you still have a whole life to live. Your still young you still have people who care for you. You don't have a reason to die. And so many people care about you. You just think your not meant to be here.' And I realized i was right. I had no reason to die. I just thought it was cause i thought no one ever noticed me....but you guys did and so did everyone else. I'm happy to have people like you.
Savanna Ray
3 years ago
Btw if you guys could please subscribe to my channel on YouTube that would help me out alot. And please read my comment above this one. And if you want me to do a face reveal go subscribe to me on YouTube at Savanna Ray