♰ Killian
created 2 months ago
66 20
I LOVE a 'getting to know you' challenge I believe there is immense value to the deceivingly simple-seeming task of self-reflecting on one's whole character and translating it to a single screen.
For challenges like this one in particular I think it's akin to an exercise in apologetics to translate one's treasured experiences into concise and comprehensible language.
So without further ado, here's a list of my favorite things (I believe these are all the ones listed in the challenge description but I may have forgotten a few)


- Hair Colour: My hair is a sort of dirty blonde, it was once a bright blonde and its darkened with age resulting in an ombre effect
- Haircut: I haven't ha...


♰ Killian
2 months ago
@sundancer16 Hahaha aw, how right you are :)
2 months ago
Makes sense that your favorite car is a taxi... to take you where you need to go, you lil' wanderluster, you!
2 months ago
@john1633 Oh! That gives me great comfort! I sure hope you're right!!!
♰ Killian
2 months ago
@sundancer16 I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, I can relate to that sense of quiet devastation when you get old enough to realize you can never make a childhood friend again. And it is in a way only natural to mourn that loss, even after all this time.
However, for whatever it may be worth, the loves we form in childhood are not necessarily the deepest ones will ever have. Now that you've grown and become an adult in some ways I can imagine that your sense of self and personality is more refined, robust, and more hard-won then it was as a child.
As children we tend to love more enthusiastically or even devoutly, but perhaps it is only through the maturity that comes with experience and adulthood that we may love more deeply and with true discipline.
It is perhaps the difference between infatuation and true appreciation.
All this to say, you must keep in mind that it's very likely you've not met yet all the people that you will come to love, and even though you will never again make a childhood best friend it is not unreasonable to hold out hope that your best friendships are still ahead of you.
2 months ago
@john1633 Agreed! Easy to find someone to lightheartedly chit chat with difficult to find someone I can both have an in-depth, deep conversation with and also have a fun time laughing with. I did find someone like that here finally after two years of living here. I desperately wanted to have a bosom friend like Anne and Diana😫 I grew up with such a person like that her name was Sarah, and we swore our love to one another and said we'd live next door to each other and raise our babies together and be buried in graves next to each other. But she moved when I was 11. I was so devastated I cried myself to sleep for two weeks straight. I remember my dad coming in my room and saying "It's not like she DIED." But it sure felt like, in a way, I was mourning a death. Not the death of a friendship for she would still be my friend but I knew it would nevet be the same. Something felt like it died. To me. At 11 years old. And that was the close proximity of my friend and the fact that I could see her at any time and I knew in time we'd drift apart even with letters and phone calls and plane travel to visit. And we did. We drifted apart. I am still her friend, but our connection is not what it once was. I do grieve that every time I see two elderly ladies who say they've been besties since elementary school. Finishing each other's sentences and laughing so hard they pee their pants. I want that. I was robbed of that. But oh well, life goes on. You seem like someone I've deeply connected with and if you lived nearby I bet we'd find loads to talk about in person and almost never run out of things to talk about.

Oh, and about Adidas, everything was 50% off with an additional 50% off the already marked down clearance PLUS an additional $30 off when you spend $150 so we really couldn't pass that sale up yesterday. Haha!