Unique: Aj give me two reasons why you like her:Aj she pretty,her personality Olivia:how many real relationships you have:Aj a real one is with Zoe:Brook: how old was you when you said”I love you to someone one other then family:Aj 16 so that means ti Zoe:riri:where you will take Zoe on a date:Aj to the Beach:Unique go get bdot
Unique: Aj give me two reasons why you like her:Aj she pretty,her personality Olivia:how many real relationships you have:Aj a real one is with Zoe:Brook: how old was you when you said”I love you to someone one other then family:Aj 16 so that means ti Zoe:riri:where you will take Zoe on a date:Aj to the Beach:Unique go get bdot