Hey Loves! I always had a soft spot for galaxy print and it always looks so beautiful with the different colors swirled together with the glitter and stars and/or planets on it and I used to have a phone case with the red galaxy print and stars and I absolutely loved it because it was so friggin cool ❤️✨ #galaxyoutfit #swirled #purple #pink #green #blue #alienbag #outofthisworld #bluehairdontcare #hairdye #vogue #aesthetic #crazygirl #heyloves
Hey Loves! I always had a soft spot for galaxy print and it always looks so beautiful with the different colors swirled together with the glitter and stars and/or planets on it and I used to have a phone case with the red galaxy print and stars and I absolutely loved it because it was so friggin cool ❤️✨ #galaxyoutfit #swirled #purple #pink #green #blue #alienbag #outofthisworld #bluehairdontcare #hairdye #vogue #aesthetic #crazygirl #heyloves