Going ice skating with your boyfriend <3 || imagin that your going to the skating hall with your boyfriend and starts skating on the ice just a few people was on the ice. But you just looked into he’s eyes and he looked into yours like no one else was in the room and then they kissed a magic kiss in the middle of the ice, everyone looked at y’all and the room felt like magic. #iceskating#boyfriend#kiss#magic#slayy#story
Going ice skating with your boyfriend <3 || imagin that your going to the skating hall with your boyfriend and starts skating on the ice just a few people was on the ice. But you just looked into he’s eyes and he looked into yours like no one else was in the room and then they kissed a magic kiss in the middle of the ice, everyone looked at y’all and the room felt like magic. #iceskating#boyfriend#kiss#magic#slayy#story