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combyne outfit
created 3 years ago
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πŸ¦‹ β—‘Μˆβ‹†πŸ…·πŸ…Έ(●’◑’●)οΎ‰ Guys πŸ¦‹

I Wanna thank you all so much that we are almost 100 followers! 😊😊❀️ Do you think this outfit is nice? If u do, Well it takes month's to be this good! I've been training on this very much. But Guys, If you want ur outfit to be this good... Give it a change! And if someone say to you that it's ugly.... Don't listen to she/her. U choose if its ugly or good. πŸ‘ I like pink very much so that's the theme 🌸 I'd love to us ur items so comment on my latest post "Could you use my items @ye_pinku pls? " I'm chilling in my bed rn. My cats pretty annoying (=^ェ^=) but yeah. That's all for this post. Bye! Hashtags: #cute #pink #pinkgirl #readforhelp