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combyne outfit
created 4 years ago
26 9
I feel like alot of people dont understand the word STOP
So this is a lesson for 1 individual and for all the others that dont understand the woird stop @nocap calls herself bullying me and @prettyinkpinkzye and she was saying things like
"You look like a rat"
"Go back to to the zoo"
Yall retarted"
So heres a lesson 3 for her:Lets talk about the word "STOP"of cousre u heard me tell you to do this but you never listned so im gonna tell u what stop means
Stop means to not to do what your doing and walk away
But u never did that
U kept doing what u were doing and you didnt stop
You are a sorry example of a person
And to be 18 and havw your mother die and your father gone you still act so chi...
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