jodiean 6528 ph
created 1 years ago
1 1
All right guys so I just wanted to say I'm having my baby shower and as you can see while I open the blue and pink box and pink balloons blow out and while I pop the boy or girl balloon some pink dust came out and that means I'm having a girl woo yeah yeah I'm so happy right now and my birthday is also happy making to you wanted to have a girl or a boy he said none of that matters only thing matters that he's going to have a child like all of his friends have a child as you can see the boy over the corner and the boy section that's my that's my boyfriend's friend and the one in the pink is a big girl section it's also my boyfriend friend and as we can see both his friends has a girlfriend an...


jodiean 6528 ph
1 years ago
As you can see I'm hiding my belly I'm pregnant but I'm hiding my belly that's why it looks like that because yeah the filter and everything yeah that's why it looks so flat if you're asking