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combyne outfit
created 2 months ago
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I so class we're gonna be learning about math. As everybody knows, this is math class, so we're gonna be running about math. Don't let's get to it. So class was important the password.
And so And you're the only one that classified boring. No Taylor tayhold on, let's get that Taylor taylor come. Come here, what did you say in my class now? Cause you bought. Yes, math class is boring. Hello, yes, this is Mrs. Taylor mom. Yes, ma'am, this is she? This is she speaking so Taylor stead Tennis saying my class will get that guy's boy. And we don't tolerate that and we're doing it. Easy math and she can't, she, don't. She don't even know what it is. Alright, I'm gonna be out there. Okay, I'll be ri...

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