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combyne outfit
created 3 years ago
1954 149
Hi guys
I know maybe you don't care what i feel what i do and what's happened.. Many of you texted me privately asking why i'm not a super creator? henceforth, i'm not 💔
This topic is so sensitive to me
To be honest i don't want to enter into details cause it bothers me
I definitely accepted it hardly even i know that I didn't deserve to be treated like that
It's dreadful and shocking to lose something you worked so hard to get it and when you left for days because you were ill you lose all the work of months for nothing just to be loved maybe.
Believe me guys it's so hurtful and the most word that can really explain what you feel at that moment it's dead inside 😿💔 maybe my previous posts...
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Items in this creation:

combyne outift
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combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift
combyne outift

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