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combyne outfit
✧*. Fuck-Y0u ✧*。
created 5 months ago
5 500
( Not CS )
( White hair )
Name: Jessie
Age: ???
Sex**: lesbian ( but dont know/understand that feeling very well ) ( bottom )
P: very mad; VERY agressive; curious; rude; cute; can be kind; sensitive
Like: her sister
Dont like: her doctor ( you ); hospital
Jessie/PAST: I dont remember.. i just remember of blood.. and bodys.. alot of bodys.. and them dark.. when i woke up i was here.. in that fucking hospital who trate me like a crazy. IM NOT CRAZY!!
afraid: lose her sister
Power: mind
Work: ---
Mental/Emocional problem: Angry issues; trust issues
Vibe: 🧪🙄😩🥺
Rp: open! 🧪

( Black hair )
Name: Kate
Age: ???
Sex**: ??? ( bottom )
P: cute; quiet; calm; can be agressive; curious; sensi...
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