Can’t believe I have to say this on Combyne: would you ask someone what would they wear if they had cancer? Depression is a mental disorder that can cause physical issues as well.
Can’t believe I have to say this on Combyne: would you ask someone what would they wear if they had cancer? Depression is a mental disorder that can cause physical issues as well.
I don’t mean this in a way to normalize depression, bc I know what it’s like to have it. And it’s hard. I have been to the hospital so many times bc of it. So I’m not normalizing this in anyway. I agree that it looks bad asking what would you wear. But people have to live with it, it happened, it wasn’t meant in any kind disrespect. I’m sorry if you think this way of it. But let’s not think about so deep. I have depression I know how hard it is to live with it. So I’m not normalizing this. I’m sorry😔😊