@samariaprettygirl girl you ugly asf to start off with and none of that stuff you said made sense LMFAOOO you don’t even know her if you wanna be her friend jus say that like girl pipe down cause you really think you know stuff and im not hating I’m speaking facts so shut you ahh up and go get your face done i know a doctor who fixes ugly faces like yours really good so umm I’ll give you the info she live in atl (Atlanta) 10734 peach tree ave go in the building across he street from target and boom you got your faces fix jus go in and tell her bayla bayla sent you she will hook you up thank me later I had to help a couple of ppl
Right tf like what stop hateing on ppl fr in u don't even know her to be hateing on here like that's ppl probably now what if u ask yo mama how did u look in she said u look ight like come on now u would not like that so get tf on @WatermelonTrin