

3 years ago
@ixchars Hello my fellow Combynista!
Sorry but this comment is to inform you that your post isn't following the rules. If you don't know the rules and/or don't know what you did wrong look at the rules below to see if your disobeying any! :)

1. Pretending to be a Celebrity or a famous tik toker is against the rules. Its better to be yourself. People will like you better for who you really are. ☺

2. Posting Without an outfit is not allowed. Stickers do not count as an outfit. The out fit must be complete, not just shoes or just a shirt, must be a complete visible outfit.


3. Copying/screenshots are not allowed. Please keep in mind every Combynista works hard on there outfit. So please create your own unique outfit.


4. Posting innapropiate pictures is not allowed. This isn't a dating app this is a fashion app. Use it properly.


If you respond to me in a rude / mean way it will not get you anywhere. If you do not delete this post yourself, I will. Please follow the rules and think about your actions! Also I do not hate you, nor just target you. I hope you understand I'm just trying to help Combyne's community!

- Zinky_Dinky. ❤

Questions? Ask. :)