

4 years ago
Thanks for joining my challenge💞
I made this challenge with my friend
And tonight we will We will announce the winners in our accounts and the prize the
first: follow from me and my friend
Me and my friend will Like 50 post from hers means +100 likes for the first one💞

Second: follow from me and my friend
Me and my friend will like 40 post from hers means + 80 likes for the second one

Third: follow from me and my friend
Me and my friend will like 30 post from hers means + 60 likes for the third one

Fourth: follow from me and my friend
Me and my friend will like 20 post from hers means + 40 likes for the fourth one

Fifth: follow just from me
Me and my friend will like 10 posts from hers means + 20 likes for the fifth one

All the best to you to see the results go now and follow me and follow my friend and wait the results tonight💞💞
4 years ago
@emabalintova Thank you !🙂