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combyne outfit
created 1 years ago
41 9
Here is Queen Isabeau of Bavaria. I started researching who I could base my outfit on and quickly decided she would be good.

So, quick run-down:
-In 1383, when she was 13 or 14, her uncle started preparing to marry her off to the next King of France, 17 year old Charles VI.
-They eventually met when she was 16, and after just 3 days being engaged, they were married.
-At this point she could not speak any French.
-Isabeau liked attention, and often dressed in lots of gems. The doors in the Palace had to be expanded to allow her to pass through with her hats.
-King Charles VI's mental state began to deteriorate, and so Isabeau took over much of his duties.
-She had 12 children, how...
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