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You come home one night to find that Annika had been sleeping with another girl!
New story time! We’ve already done 2 stories, the story of Angelica-story1pink, and Talia-story2red, now it’s Jewel-story3blur
Getting wedding fitted: You: ( character name is you but technically Talia) Azaleas sister was the one in pink in the last post btw
Out for a twilight summer walk… when you pop the question, “Azalea.. I think your amazing.. I feel free to be creative,happy, and fun when I’m with yo...
Azalea showed up at your door today and asked if she could show you something.Azalea took you too her spa and pool, she confessed that the many months...
A woman about the same age as you drops all her things at the shop you are both at, she is gorgeous, little hint- you will see this character a lot du...
Mark fell off a bridge on one of your dates! What do you do!
New story starting
You confessed to Kitty, and you both decide that you want to live a long happy life together, which is when she proposed…
White- no story attached
This is you( name is Jewel, wearing blue) and your gf Annika, you are mellow and sweet but cool too
Happy Marriage to you (Talia) and Azalea!
Getting fitted for the wedding- Azalea
You Went out dancing tonight with Azalea, it’s been a blast!
You cannot stop thinking about them.. handsome Mark… The girl you met today, who know has your contact info and you have been getting to know her over...
Now you are at an adorable modern sunny restaurant in the city, but your date had to go to the bathroom, and he is taking a very long time….
You- ( girl) and your bf Mark, your from Texas and he’s from LA, you met him in LA as well. Your a country girl but your a little bit of a playgirl…
Happy marriage Kitty and You! End of this Story
You found yourself back at Atlas’s place last night yelling at him and telling him you had a girlfriend and he should not have sent that message and n...
When Kitty woke up to find you weren’t at the house, she started to get worried…
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